Hub Workflow Approval Update Error

Hub Workflow Approval Update Error

Description of Issue

Tyler Hub - An error occurred while generating a report for the Batch. Please check the Munis system log for more information. 

File Name Already Used - File name previously used: '8-character program name xxxx.pdf or xxxx.txt'

  • Munis

  • Tyler Hub

  • Workflow Approvals

  • Spool/Report Directory


In this scenario, a user might run into a Tyler Hub error 'An error occurred while generating a report for the Batch. Please check the Munis system log for more information'. Along with it should be an error regarding 'File Name Already Used - File name previously used: '8-character program name xxxx.pdf or xxxx.txt' with a yes or no prompt. Occasionally the second error will be ignored or overlooked in favor of the Tyler Hub error. This is directly related to the second error with the prompt. Please see the resolution and additional information to correct. 


In this instance, the reports in the spool directory need to be archived and/or deleted for the 8-character program name and file extension (.txt or .pdf) that was provided in the error with the prompt from the Cause section above. Please document that information and use the below link in the Additional Information section.