Total amounts on ytd budget report does not match the last report

Description of Issue

Why are the total amounts on the new ytd budget report different than the last report that was run?


YTD Budget Report


New journals were posted since the last report was run

  • Compare the earlier report to the new report to verify where the differences are. 

  • Make a note of the original report run date and the new report run date. (example: original 12/21/2021 new report: 01/11/2022)

  1. Go to MUNIS > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print

  2. Click Advanced Find

  3. Type in the Fund number or Org/Object/Project number

  4. In the GL Effective Date field Type in >12/21/2021

  5. Click Accept

  • All the journals posted after 12/21/2021 for those accounts should pull in for review

  • If the report results are incorrect journals will need to be created and posted to correct the accounts and report. 

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