Getting message no records found for the criteria defined when run Deductions Report by Type

Description of Issue
  • When I run the Deductions Report by Type, I am getting message: No records found for the criteria defined.

  • No deductions or employees are showing up the Deductions Report by Type

  • Munis

  • Payroll Processing

  • Deductions Report by Type


Need to redefine the report criteria

  1. Access Deductions Report by Type (Payroll > Payroll Start and Status > Search for the warrant > click Change > click Deductions Report by Type)

  2. Click Define

  3. Enter Location range blank to ZZZZ, and Org range blank to ZZZZZZZZ

  4. Enter Deduction code range, select other options as needed

  5. Click Accept

  6. Click PDF

Additional Information

Deduction must be in that payroll in order to display on the report