Using cash management - Bank Reconciliation Manager versus classic Bank Reconciliation

Description of Issue

Issues between Bank Reconciliation Manager information and classic Bank Reconciliation information

Trying to reconcile Bank Reconciliation Manager information by using classic Bank reconciliation and expecting both programs to display the same data

  • Cash Management

  • Bank Reconciliation Manager

  • Classic Bank Reconciliation

  • Bank Reconciliation


Bank Reconciliation Manager and Classic Bank Reconciliation use 2 different sets of tables. This will result in the information showing in Bank Reconciliation Manager being different in Classic Bank Reconciliation for the same Bank code/Bank account/GL account.

  • Bank Reconciliation Manager and Classic Bank Reconciliation CANNOT be used for the same bank code. These programs group and set clear dates on transactions differently. Account information reconciled in Bank Reconciliation Manager does not carry over to Classic or vice-versa. 

  • If BAI Import is not being used determine if reconciliation should be done in Bank Manager or Classic Bank reconciliation and use ONLY the program chosen 

  • If switching from one program to the other example: Classic Bank Reconciliation to Bank Manager a specific date must be chosen to stop using Classic Bank Rec and begin using Bank Reconciliation Manager. Both programs will be used for a specific period of time to reconcile until all items already present in Classic Bank Rec are reconciled after which everything going forward would reconcile solely in Bank Manager. For further information please review Switching from Classic Bank Reconciliation to Bank Reconciliation Manager

Additional Information