ACFR - Add roles

Description of Issue

How to add role for ACFR?

  • Annual Consolidated Financial Report (ACFR)
  • Configuration & Set Up
  • User Access
  • Settings

Site needs additional role(s)

  1. Navigate to the ACFR dashboard:
  2. In the URL bar, replace the word “dashboard” with “roles” (e.g.
  3. Select Add Role
  4. Enter Role's name & description
  5. Add
    • At this point you should see the role you've added in the list of roles.
    • On that new role, click the '>' chevron to get into the Roles Details
  6. Role Access on left hand side of screen
    • From this point you can see the item and an expand '>' chevron
    • If you want to give all access to this Role, you can check the box next to the ACFR label
    • If you want to give access to just certain ACFR areas, click on the expand chevron, then select just those areas you want to grant access to
  7. Apply access changes at the bottom of screen, might need to scroll down
    • Next assign a user to the role
  8. Role members
  9. Add members
    • In the popup, click on the expand chevron in the Select members dropdown box
  10. Select users needed for role
  11. Add