Employee Accruals report error

Description of Issue

Receiving error below when trying to export employee accrual history information

Error selecting accruals for employee 2600-1226[ISAM-1]

System log id 24737

  • Munis 

  • Payroll

  • Accrual Processing

  • Employee Accruals Report

  • File might be too big

  • or one of the field precession might be exceeding

  • Check which employee has the error and go to Employee Accruals (Payroll > Employee Maintenance >Employee Accruals) and check if any of the fields for this employee exceeds the standard precession.

  • If the file is too big split the file by defining the report by 10 yrs or 5 yrs (Ex: 1970-1980, and then 1980-1990)

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