ExecuTime Pay Period Showing Wrong Dates
ExecuTime Pay Period Showing Wrong Dates
Description of Issue
When reviewing the timecard, the pay period has an end date of years into the future.
Pay Period
When using a custom pay period, if you do not have a continuation of pay periods, ExecuTime will display dates into the future.
In order to correct the pay period range dates:
Navigate to System Admin
Select Master File Management
Select Pay Periods
Click the pencil icon for the pay period in question
Select the year drop-down and select the current year or last year that was input into ExecuTime
Review the pay period start / end date and input the start date and end date of your pay period (which will be the next day for the end date)
Select the + icon to add the date and continue adding the dates into the future.
Click Save once completed
Additional Information