Validation errors for first year and period of depreciation after fiscal year date range was moved to start earlier in the year

Description of Issue

Errors received updating assets after changing fiscal year date range: 

  • First year is before acquisition date.

  • First month cannot be less than acquisition month.


Capital Assets


Due to moving the start of the fiscal year earlier in the year, the first year and period of depreciation are now earlier than the year and period corresponding to the acquisition date.  The system does not allow assets to start depreciating before they've been acquired.


  • Asset was acquired in August of 2018.  At the time of acquisition, August of 2018 was FY 2018 period 12, but with the new fiscal year date range August of 2018 is now FY 2019 period 2. 

  • The system sees that a first year and period for depreciation of 2018/12 is prior to acquisition date that's in 2019/2 and throws the validation error. 


Contact Enterprise ERP Assets and Civic Support for assistance in updating the first year and period of depreciation on your assets

Additional Information
  • This will only be an issue if the start of the new fiscal year date range is earlier in the calendar year than the start of the old fiscal year date range

  • This will not affect depreciation for any existing assets that have already started depreciating.  The first year and period is only looked at/used by the system the very first time depreciation is run for a particular asset.  After that, the system's only referring to the last year and period.