How to set up a monthly deduction limit

How to set up a monthly deduction limit

Description of Issue

How do I set up a limit to be enforced monthly with unique limits for each employee?

  • Munis

  • Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Employee Deductions


Munis rounds deduction withholding to two decimal places, site bases withholding off of four decimal places. Due to the rounding to two decimal places, employee's withholdings are off a penny throughout the month.


Set the limit type on the Deduction Master record:

  1. Access Deduction and Benefit Master: Payroll > Payroll Setup > Deduction and Benefit Master

  2. Search on the deduction code, click Update and select M - MONTHLY from the Limit Type drop-down menu

  3. Click Accept

Set the limit value in Employee Deductions:

  1. Access Employee Deductions: Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Deductions

  2. Search for the employee and deduction code

  3. Click Update, TAB into the Employee Limit field and enter the desired limit value

  4. Click Accept

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