Refresh option for Master Tables in Salary and Benefit Projections does not update Position Control

Description of Issue
  • In my Salary and Benefit Projection, when I use the Refresh option and choose Master Tables or Employee Tables, it does not seem to be updating anything in Position Control. 

  • When in the Help screen for projections it notes the Refresh option using Master Tables will update Position Control, but it does not seem to be working.

  • Munis

  • Salary and Benefit Projections

  • Position Control


The Refresh option for Master Tables does not update Position Control. Positions only update at the Employee Table level. This is by design and there is a work ticket created to correct the Help Screen.


Install applicable work ticket when available.


Additional Information
  • The reason the position control records do not refresh with the master tables is because of the impact they would have on the vacancy create process within the projection.  Every other master table, such as pay master and deduction master would not impact this.  

    • For example, If a projection includes a certain Group/BU criteria, having pay master or deduction master records that do not apply to them presently would not be an issue.  If the refresh of master tables is run, however, and brings in every position record, but the employee criteria is a certain range of Groups, the projection would end up with hundreds of vacancies.

  • If Position Control records need to be pulled back into a Projection the Refresh at the Employee Table level can be run.Â