Pay code is not adding to the Net Pay in Payroll

Description of Issue

We created a tuition reimbursement pay code that appears to only be adding to gross wages and is not paying the employee the pay amount. 

  • Munis version 2020.1 and higher

  • Pay Master


In Pay Master the Non-Cash field was defined with a Non-Cash option.

  1. Go to Pay Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master)

  2. Search for the pay code. Click Update.

  3. Click the drop down next to Non-Cash and select N-Paid Earnings (Not Non-Cash)

  4. Click Accept

Additional Information

When the Non-Cash setting is set to Y-Non-Cash Include in Gross it does not add the pay amount to the net pay, it will only add to the gross wages.

When the Non-Cash setting is set to D-Non-Cash Exclude from Gross it does not add the pay amount to the net pay nor does it add to gross wages.