Tyler Deploy Cubes Failed on Step Verify Credentials
Tyler Deploy Cubes Failed on Step Verify Credentials
Description of Issue
Tyler Deployed failed on step Verify Credentials. Error - Invalid SQL login credentials for exampleSAaccount!
Tyler Deploy
Invalid Credentials for Cubes Staging SA User account. The issue can be corrected by updating the account password in the Munis ERP Tyler Deploy configurations.
On Premise Steps to correct:
Browse to Tyler Deploy
Open Product Configuration for Munis ERP
Select Environment from dropdown
Expand Munis ERP
Scroll down to Cubes vars
Edit the Cubes Staging SA User and Cubes Staging SA User Password fields if needed
Update username and password with correct one
Rerun deployment and verify success.
SaaS steps to correct:
Reach out to TSM SaaS Support for assistance.
Additional Information