Transfer Delinquent to Tax error message Tax and Interest charge codes are missing for year XXXX

Description of Issue

Generate step of the Transfer Delinquent to Tax process does not complete successfully due the errors - Tax charge codes are missing for year: XXXX cat: XX chg code: XXXX and Interest charge codes are missing for year: XXXX cat: XX chg code: XXXX


  • Utility Billing

  • Transfer Delinquent to Tax


Accounts Receivable Charge Code that the Transfer Delinquent to Tax process is selecting for transfer from Utility Billing to Tax is missing the Tax lien principal charge and Tax lien interest charge codes


To resolve this issue the Accounts Receivable Charge Code listed in the error needs to be updated with the  Tax lien principal charge and Tax lien interest charge. This can be done using the following steps.

  1. Note the charge code year, AR category, charge code that needs to be updated

  2. Tyler Menu > Munis > General or Property Revenues > Setup > Accounts Receivable Charge Codes 

  3. Search

  4. Enter Year, Code, and Category from above

  5. Accept

  6. Update

  7. Populate Tax lien principal charge and Tax lien interest charge

  8. Accept

  9. Once this is complete for all charge codes listed in the error report from Transfer Delinquent to Tax users should exist out of the Transfer Delinquent to Tax process and open it again and rerun the process.

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