Set file type extensions to open outside of the TCM HTML viewer

Description of Issue

In certain situations, a site may request or need attachments with particular file type extensions to open outside of the TCM HTML viewer. 

  • Munis
  • Tyler Content Manager
  • TCM
  • TCM Full Client
  • TCM HTML Viewer
  • Attachments
  • Extensions


Completing these steps will allow attachments to be opened and viewed outside of the TCM HTML viewer. It will create a blue link in the Image panel in the viewer and clicking on the link will download the attachment. There are situations where this is preferred, also for extensions such as .msg that do not appear correctly in the viewer. Microsoft extensions such as .doc, .xslx, and others are set to do this automatically and cannot be changed. This is detailed in Microsoft File Extensions Not Displaying within the TCM HTML Viewer.

  1. Launch the TCM Full Client. If you are unsure of how to download, please follow these instructions: How to Access & Launch the TCM Full Client.
  2. Log in as an admin user.
  3. Click on Administration.
  4. Click on System Setup.
  5. Click on CM Viewer from the selection of options on the left.
  6. In the Extensions to not display within HTML viewer field, please enter the file extension type you would like to open outside of the TCM HTML viewer. For example: pdf, msg, etc. Please note: do not use the preceding period when entering the extension types. Separate them with a comma and then a space.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click on the System Status (stoplight icon) button at the top of the TCM Full Client.
  10. On the right hand side, click on Clear Cache.
  11. Below that, click on Initialize Services. You can check the status of the initialization by clicking on the Servers tab, and clicking Refresh (icon with two circular green arrows pointing at each other). You will know that it is finished when the Initialization Status column's date and time match the time that you had hit the Initialize Services button.
  12. Ask the user(s) to test and see if the image is accessible via the blue download link in the TCM HTML viewer as expected.
Additional Information