Year End Manager includes Voided Purchase Card Statements in Count of Unposted Transactions

Description of Issue

Year End Manager includes Voided Purchase Card Statements in Count of Unposted Transactions

  • General Ledger

  • Year end manager

  • Purchase Cards

  • PCards

  • Unposted


This is a Munis defect 


Work ticket MUN-426178 has been created to address the issue, please download the correction when it becomes available on Tyler Deploy

To verify that P-card Transactions were voided navigate to:

  1. Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Processing > Purchase Cards > Purchase Card Statement

  2. Click Search

  3. in Status field, in Drop Down, Select Voided

  4. Enter the Year that is being closed

  5. Click Accept

  6. System should pull all Voided P-Cards record, if there are any

Another way to verify is to run the Table Validation Report, which can be access directly from the Month End Manager program

Additional Information

This will not generate a hard stop during year end close process.