How to set up a flat amount deduction

How to set up a flat amount deduction

Description of Issue

How do I set up a deduction to withhold a flat amount in every payroll?

  • Munis

  • Payroll

  • Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Employee Deductions



Set up the deduction code to use a calc code 01, or calc code 02:

Access the Deduction and Benefit MasterHuman Resources/Payroll > Payroll Setup > Deduction and Benefit Master

Calc Code 01:

  1. Search for the Deduction and click Update

  2. Select either 01 - AMT FROM DEDUCTION MASTER from the Calc Code drop-down menu

  3. Enter the employer withholding amount in the Empr Amt/Pct field and click Accept

Calc Code 02:

  1. Search for the Deduction and click Update

  2. Select either 02 - AMT FROM EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION from the Calc Code drop-down menu and click Accept

  3. Access Employee Deductions: Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Deductions

  4. Click Add, enter the Employee, TAB into the Deduction field and enter the Deduction

  5. TAB into the Employer Amt/Pct field, enter the flat amount and click Accept

Additional Information

Calc code 01 should be used if the flat rate will be the same for all employees. Calc code 02 should be used if the rate is unique to the employee. When using a calc code 02, the rate must be entered in each Employee Deduction record.