Where does the multiyear life actual amount come from

Where does the multiyear life actual amount come from

Description of Issue

Where does the Multiyear life actual amount come from

  • Accounts Inquiry

  • Multiyear Fund

  • Life 

  • Actual



Account Inquiry

       Multiyear column > Actual Memo field

  1. The Life actual amount for Multiyear funds is the sum of all prior year journals (prior year 2 and before).

  2. The sum is placed into the Inception to Soy field on one of the master tables and then added to the Current year actual amount.

  3. The sum of Inception to SOY + Current year actuals should = the total of the Actual Journal detail in the Life column. 

  4. When everything totals correctly the Life actual header amount = the total in the actual detail.

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