Okta Security Issue October 2023
Due to the recent security issue with Okta, should we be concerned about our Tyler products that integrate with Okta?
Okta security breach.
This is Tyler's official statement on the issue. https://tylercommunity.tylertech.com/tyler/b/tyler-security-news/posts/okta-security-issue-oct-2023
We are aware of the recent security issue announced by Okta. Okta mentioned they have contacted all impacted clients and Tyler has not been contacted.
Based on what we know at this time, there is no impact to Tyler, our solutions, or our clients.
Our Information Security team continues to monitor this issue, along with our third-party security partners. If new information is received, we will take action as needed. Any further instructions and/or communication regarding this issue will be posted on Tyler Community.
We encourage clients to remain vigilant, follow security protocols, and report any unusual or suspicious activity to their Information Technology or Security team.