Time and Attendance Job 12 Employee Job Class Integration Including Pending Employee Job Salary Job Classes

Description of Issue

When running the Job 12 Integration for assigning EERP Employee Job Classes (Positions in Time & Attendance), it's pulling in Job Classes assigned in Personnel Actions, Pending Employee Job/Salary. 

  • Payroll

  • Personnel Actions

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Time and Attendance

  • Tyler Integrations


System Defect - Job Classes should only be syncing to TA from Live Employee Job/Salary.


Install applicable build including applicable work ticket when available. 

MUN-472379 - 2021.8.0.0

MUN-472381 - 2021.9.0.0

MUN-472377 - 2021.10.0.0

MUN-472378 - 2021.11.0.0

Additional Information