Mass Deactivate in Employee Master to Inactivate Employee Accruals

Mass Deactivate in Employee Master to Inactivate Employee Accruals

Description of Issue

I need to mass inactivate hundreds of employees in Employee Master and Employee Accruals, what is the best way to do this?

  • Munis Version 2017.1 and higher
  • Employee Master 
  • Employee Accruals

A large group of employees retired and needed to be inactivated.


Updating one employee at a time:

  1. Go to Employee Master (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Master).
  2. Search for an employee. Click Accept. Click Update
  3. Change the Status to I-Inactive. Click Accept
  4. Prompt will display asking, Set all Deductions and Accruals to Inactive? Click Define. Check the checkbox. Click Accept. Click Execute

Updating a range of employees:

  1. Go to Employee Master (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Master).
  2. Search for range of employees. (Example 100:120) Click Accept. Click Update
  3. Click Mass Deactivate in the toolbar. 
    1. This option will work on the find set. 
  4. Mass Deactivate Employees Prompt will display asking, Set all Deductions and Accruals to Inactive? Click Yes.  
Additional Information

Doing an Employee Import to change the status to inactive will not trigger the prompt. If using the Employee Import, a separate import will need to be done for Employee Deductions and Employee Accruals would need to be updated manually.