Error inserting gljnlxpt record when attempting to export journals from the Export Journals program

Description of Issue

An error is received when trying to export journals

Error inserting gljnlxpt record - status: -6372 [ISAM -50000] Additional information concerning a status error of -6372: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.JournalImportExportHistories' with unique index 'IX_JournalNumber_Year_Period'. The duplicate key value is (6, 2021, 12).

If you have any questions, please contact Munis Technical Support.

System log Id: XXXXXX


Export Journals


The error persists when trying to export journals more than once using the Expanded Voucher Doc for IFMS output layout option


Work ticket MUN-422270 is open with development to address the issue

Please contact Munis General Ledger Support for further assistance

Additional Information