Add GCR - General Cash Receipt Journal - General Journal Entry Proof

Description of Issue

How do users manually add a GCR journal?

  • General Journal Entry/Proof (glcjeent)

  • Accounting Entries

  • General Cash Receipt (GCR)


Site needs to enter a manual general cash receipt to update General Ledger without impacting the Revenue side of Munis


Many programs have a help screen with an expandable Tasks section. These steps come from the Help screen.

  1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > General Journal Entry/Proof

  2. Add

  3. Complete the fields, as required. Refer to the Field Descriptions table in Help for details.

    • Use Source GCR instead of GEN

  4. Press Tab to move through the fields in which you do not enter data.

    • When you have completed the fields for the journal header, the program automatically moves to the Journal Lines group.

  5. Enter journal details by line.

    • When you add multiple lines, the program completes the Line Description box from the previous line, but you can change this.

  6. Accept, when you have completed all line entries

    • If debits/credits don't balance or you've crossed funds, the program displays a message asking if you want to correct the out-of-balance issue before exiting.

    • It is recommended that you balance the entries prior to exiting the line detail.

    • If you have crossed funds, you must exit the line detail and make the correction by clicking Gen DT/DF to automatically make adjusting entries. .

  7. If the program does not detect errors or warnings, it displays the Choices box.

    • The screen options vary according to the status of the journal:

    • the journal is in balance, debits do not equal credits, the journal is out of balance by fund, or the journal is out of balance by fund/segment.

    • Each screen provides applicable options for continuing.

  8. Select the option appropriate for the entry you are creating.

  9. Accept

  10. Release into GLJ workflow

    • If workflow business rules are triggered status will be updated to Pending Actions 

    • If no pending actions are generated status will update to Approved

    • Once Approvers approver all pending actions status will update to Approved

  11. Output post using needed option (Print, PDF, Display, Save)

Additional Information
  • GCR journals can also be created and posted in Accounting Entries 

  • If site uses Bank Reconciliation GCR display as Deposits

  • GCR can be reversed in Journal Reversal (GRV) if needed