Accrual Balance is incorrect on employee Advice

Description of Issue

An employee's accrual balance is showing incorrectly on the advice. 

  • Munis

  • Payroll

  • Employee Accruals

  • Payroll Control Settings

  • Run Control

  • The Run Control setting for Accrual Format was defined with D-Detail.

    • This looks to the balance prior to the start date of the payroll and then adds any earned/used time within the payroll dates.

    • Any earned/used time after the payroll period end date is not reflected in the balance.


The balance will be correct in the next payroll. 

Example: The Payroll Period is 8/29/21 - 9/11/21

  • An employee has a beginning balance prior to the start date of the payroll of -1.5. Any earned/used time within the payroll dates gets calculated in. Say the only record within those dates is an earned mount of 7.5 on 9/9/21. So the balance that will print is 6.

  • If the employee has a used amount of -49.5 that is dated after the payroll end date, 9/12/21, it will not be reflected in the balance until the next payroll.

Additional Information

To see what the Run Control is set to:

  1. Go to Payroll>Payroll Setup>Payroll Control Settings

  2. Click Accept. Click Run Control.

  3. Navigate to the applicable Run type. Note the Accrual Format setting. 

Note - If this is set to S-Standard, the balance that will print on the advices is whatever the current, real time balance is for the employee.Â