Non-Contributory Employee missing from TN TCRS Report

Non-Contributory Employee missing from TN TCRS Report

Description of Issue

Employee is not pulling into TN TCRS Report

  • Payroll

  • Tennessee

  • TN TCRS Reporting 


Non-Contributory Deduction code was defined in the Retirement Deduction section of the Generate screen.  Generate drops the employee because it's expecting an amount and there isn't one.


Non-Contributory deductions can only be defined in the Deduction Type section of the screen, under Non-Contributory Deduction Ranges

Additional Information

The Retirement Deduction section of the Generate screen tells the program which deductions to look for amounts under.  Any deduction with associated Pre- and/or Post-Tax contribution amounts has to be defined here. Any deduction with no contribution amounts cannot be defined here. 

The Deduction Type section of the Generate screen tells the program what to use for the last 4 characters of the TN Contribution Group (CONT, NONC, or NONP).  Every deduction that needs to be included in the TCRS report has to be defined here.

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