Project Central displaying title from the first page for a certain spot on list on all subsequent pages

Description of Issue

Project Central is displaying the incorrect title for certain projects when scrolling pages, project title from the first page is displaying for all subsequent pages


  • Projects in the second to last spot (on all pages) are displaying the same title as the project on the first page

  • Example title is 2020-2021 MOW (the 2020-2021 is showing as a hyperlink)

  • Correct title displays if you search for the projects and if you click on the project number link

  • Site uses 3CX phone system, Chrome Browser extension set to convert phone numbers on website/CRM to clickable links


Project Central


Chrome browser extension for phone system was set to convert phone numbers to clickable links


Remove the extension setting from Chrome.

  1. Right click on the extension icon

  2. Select Options

  3. Uncheck setting for convert phone numbers on website/CRM to clickable links

Additional Information