Error when selecting Export to Excel in Segment Translations

Description of Issue

Trying to export Segment Translations to Excel and getting an error when I select Export Data.

Program stopped at 'glsegcrf_excel_export.4gl', line number ###.

SQL statement error number -6372 (-8152).

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.

  • Financial

  • State Reporting

  • Segment Translations


Descriptions over 30 characters


The program should allow Descriptions up to 50 characters.  This is corrected under (master) work ticket MUN-409196 in Version 2020.3 & Higher. 

Work around options: 

  1. Use the Update option to shorten Descriptions over 30 characters and then use the Export to Excel option

  2. Make all applicable changes using the Update option

Additional Information