How to Send a Test Email Through SQL Server Management Studio

Description of Issue

Testing email functionality through SSMS

  • Test Email

  • SQL

  • SSMS

  • SQL Server Management Studio


Need to test email functionality through SQL Server Management Studio

  1. Sign onto your Database Server with a user with elevated SQL permissions (Tylerservice or equivalent)

  2. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and connect to your primary database instance

  3. Expand Management

  4. Right click on Database Mail and click Send Test E-Mail

  5. Select the Database Mail Profile and enter in a email address recipient. Adjust the content body if desired

  6. Click Send Test E-Mail

  7. Verify test email was received

Additional Information

You can manage database mail accounts and profiles by following steps 1-4 above. Instead of clicking on Send Test E-Mail, you would select Configure Database Mail and follow the steps as prompted