View Audit changes to Employee Deductions

Description of Issue
  • Where can I find what changes were made to an Employee Deduction?

  • Is there a way to audit updates for Employee Deductions?

  • Munis

  • Payroll Audit Inquiry

  • Employee Deductions



There are 2 ways to view the audits for changes to the Employee Deductions screen

  1. Access Employee Deductions (Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Deductions

  2. Search for the Employee Deductions record

  3. Click View History

  4. Select Current Record

  5. Click OK


  1. Access Payroll Audit Inquiry (Payroll > Payroll Administration > Payroll Audit Inquiry)

  2. Click Search

  3. Enter prempded in Table

  4. TAB down to Record Detail section, enter 0 for pred_proj, enter employee number in pred_emp, and the deduction code in pred_ded

  5. Click Accept

Additional Information

Note that selecting pred_proj 0 displays changes to live employee deduction records.  Information on the proj numbers Proj numbers in HR/Payroll.