Where to find the Pay by Work Location and Org Obj report

Description of Issue

Where is the Pay by work location and org/obj report in Munis? (PAY BY WORK LOC AND ORG/OBJ)

  • Munis

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions Proof


  1. Go to Payroll Start and Status (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status)

  2. Search for the warrant. Click Accept. Click Change

  3. Click the Earnings and Deductions Proof step. A prompt will show asking you to confirm the payroll you are in, click Yes.

  4. Click Define. Select a Proof Option of S-Pay by Work Loc and Org/Obj.

    1. Click the Loc/Org Ranges tab if necessary. Define the range of locations you want to print.

  5. Click Accept. Click desired output type.

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