Exemption Credits Mass Update sets all amounts to zero
Exemption Credits Mass Update sets all amounts to zero
Description of Issue
Exemption/Credit amounts were all set to zero after processing Mass Update in the Exemptions/Credits program
NY Property Tax Billing
If the Mass Update button is run for NY Star exemptions/credits records, the process will update all amounts to zero
Install MUN-421848 once available.
Star Exemptions/Credits amounts pull from the RPS160 Import file. There is no way to recalculate those amounts without having to reimport the RPS160 file again.
If bills do not exist, reimport the RPS160 file to overwrite Star Exemption/Credit records in Munis from the import file.
If bills do exists, contact Munis Tax Support.
Additional Information
New York sites should never use the Mass Update button in the Exemptions/Credits program