Exemption Credits Mass Update sets all amounts to zero

Exemption Credits Mass Update sets all amounts to zero

Description of Issue

Exemption/Credit amounts were all set to zero after processing Mass Update in the Exemptions/Credits program

  • NY Property Tax Billing

  • Exemptions/Credits

  • Star


If the Mass Update button is run for NY Star exemptions/credits records, the process will update all amounts to zero


Install MUN-421848 once available. 

Star Exemptions/Credits amounts pull from the RPS160 Import file. There is no way to recalculate those amounts without having to reimport the RPS160 file again.

  • If bills do not exist, reimport the RPS160 file to overwrite Star Exemption/Credit records in Munis from the import file.

  • If bills do exists, contact Munis Tax Support. 

Additional Information

New York sites should never use the Mass Update button in the Exemptions/Credits program

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