List of Abatement Entry totals

List of Abatement Entry totals

Description of Issue

After an upgrade, no longer see the List button in Abatement Entry

Need a itemized and summary list of Abatement Entry totals and amounts prior to posting

  • Munis 11.3, 2019.1 only

  • Abatement Entry

  • txabtent



The Abatement Entry List button was removed after Munis version 11.3. The report is now accessed by the Proof button in Abatement Entry. This will provide both an itemized list of each pending abatement as well as a summary total. You will also be prompted with a message indicating that No errors detected. Post these abatements? Note that you are not required to post at this time. Click Yes to post the abatements, or click No to cancel and continue abatement maintenance and proofing.  

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