Error Message Importing Excel Budget Detail Template - Arithmetic overflow error converting number to data type numeric

Description of Issue

Error importing Budget Projection using Excel Budget Detail Import Template

Munis (bgprojmt)

Unable to insert BudgetDetails: 6372 [ISAM 8115]

Additional information concerning a status error of -6372:

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server] Arithmetic overflow error converting number to data type numeric.

If you have questions, please contact Munis Technical Support

System log Id: XXXXX


Define/Start Budget Projection


Import file had Quantity of over 99,999 (system maximum).


To resolve, the Quantity field of the Import file needs to have values less than 100,000. If any detail has a value over that amount, the system will throw the error. It is recommended to flip the Quantity and Unit Cost or to create multiple detail lines to split out the Quantity amount.

Additional Information