Error removing selection option from data entry fields when it has been used

Description of Issue
  • Removing a selection option from a Data Entry field produces an Internal Server Error and Error updating data entry field 

  • AdminstrationService log shows an error: The DELETE statement conflicted with REFERENCE constraint "FK_DataEntryFieldValueItemDataEntryFieldValue." The conflict occurred in database "tyler311xxxx", table "dbo.DataEntryFieldValues', column 'DatEntryFieldValueItemId. 

  • Tyler 311 

  • Enterprise Service Requests 

  • ESR


Selection is being used 


Development is tracking this under T311-7042 and the fix will be released in a future ESR service pack

Workaround:  There is currently no workaround for this issue. If you need additional assistance or to create a support case to track the issue, please contact Enterprise ERP Assets and Civic Support.

Additional Information