Unable to correctly export a two digit fiscal year when using a custom template - Export Journals

Description of Issue

Unable to correctly export a two digit fiscal year when using a custom export journal template


Export Journals

Custom Template


The length option no longer exists so when defining the two digit fiscal year you can only define the starting and ending positions

When the data is exported the year in the file will export as ** instead of the correct two digit year


Work ticket MUN-420906 is open with development to address the issue

As a temporary work around the export file can be manually modified 

Additional Information

The length option allowed you to define the two digit year but place them in certain columns in the export file

  • For example Year 2021 - the length would allow you to pull the 21 with a starting position of 3 and ending position of 4 but export to columns 1-2 in the fileÂ