Unexpected error - Month End Manager
When loading Month End Manager program, current year returns Unexpected error
System Log, Program Id : GetMonthEndData
@year = XXXX,
@period = XX
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value XXXX to data type int.
Month End Manager
Journals in proof with data defined in Reference 3 field
Work ticket MUN-420779 is open with development to address the issue
Clearing Reference 3 on the journal that is causing the error will allow Month End Manager to load.
This has been seen with GEN and GNI journals.
Clearing the Reference 3 on the proof journal resolves the unexpected error, but if you try to repopulate the field and save, the error returns.
If there are a lot of journals in proof, clearing Ref3 for just the journal(s) with a special character, like a comma, may resolve it.