The employee number field in the flat line must have a maximum length of 6

Description of Issue
  • When we attempt to configure an import template we receive the error "The "employee number" field in the "flat" line must have a maximum length of 6."

  • Munis 2018.1 and higher

  • Human Capital Management

  • Employee Import


Existing Employee Import template is incorrectly setup

  1. Navigate to the program Employee Import

    1. Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Import

  2. Click on the option for Custom Template

  3. Click the plus sign to create a new import template

  4. Ensure the file delimiter is an appropriate value

    • We recommend either using an Excel format or a CSV file format

  5. Import the file and complete any undefined headers

Additional Information
  • Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions