Permissions needed to create Customer Number through Employee Master

Permissions needed to create Customer Number through Employee Master

Description of Issue

What permissions are required to create a Customer Number through Employee Master in Munis?

  • Human Capital Management (HCM)

  • Employee Master

  • Customer Number


Employee is also a customer and will need a linked Customer Number for billing

  1. All necessary permissions will be setup in the Roles program in Munis

  2. Navigate to Roles located under Munis > System Administration > Security > Roles

  3. Click Search and locate the role you wish to adjust

  4. Review the role to ensure your role has the following permissions

    1. Menu Access to Employee Master in Payroll 

    2. Menu Access to Customers in Accounts Receivable

    3. Category Access for Employee Master Main - Update Delete (Hide/SSN or Full)

    4. Module Access to Accounts Receivable folder under General Revenues header - Permission Maintain AR Customers

Additional Information

Please reach out to Munis Payroll Support or Munis General Revenue Support with any additional questions