Reference Salary in Employee Job Salary

Description of Issue

What does the Reference Salary field represent in Employee Job/Salary?

  • Munis

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Projection Employee Job/Salary

  1. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary).

  2. Search for your employee. Click Accept. Note the Reference field under the Pay Amounts section. 

  • This field is essentially the recurring annual salary. It represents the employee's base pay annual salary plus all add-to-base pays.

  • A pay type that is not add-to-base (depending on the calc code) on the Employee's Job/Salary record will have it's own corresponding reference salary.

  • This field is primarily used for projections. 


Additional Information

The Reference Salary in Live Employee Job/Salary does not determine what the employee will be paid in payroll. It is essentially just a reference field.Â