NYSLRS - Unpaid Leave

NYSLRS - Unpaid Leave

Description of Issue

How do we enter an employee who goes out on an unpaid leave of absence so they report correctly to NYSLRS?

  • Payroll

  • New York

  • NYSLRS Report


  1. Enter the Inactive date in the Employee Master

  2. Enter the appropriate Inactive Reason Code in the Employee Master

  3. Review the SLRS REAS Crosswalk and confirm that it accurately maps Munis Inactive Reason Codes to NYSLRS Transaction Type LOA, MED or MIL. 

Additional Information

The Munis NYSLRS program will create a Job Data record when the Inactive date in the Employee Master falls within the defined reporting period. 

The Transaction Type used on the Job Data Record is determined from the SLRS REAS Crosswalk, which correlates the Munis Inactive Reason Code from the Employee Master to a NYSLRS Transaction Type.

Reference NYSLRS Report - Setup for assistance creating the SLRS REAS Crosswalk

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