Munis As-One Integration Not Updating Information in ExecuTime for Rehires

Description of Issue

When running integrations several points are not being updated for rehired employees:

  • When a person who was inactive due to Leave with Benefits Only comes back to work, they are not re-activated or made active in ET

  • A person changed their name and email address in Munis and it did not update

  • EE Build Mapping set to NOT allow a change to password and it is still checking the box to allow user to change password

  • Munis Payroll

  • ExecuTime (ET)

  • Version 2018


Employee Build Mapping needs to be properly configured for rehires.


Settings for Employee Build Mapping Rehires needs to be updated (ExecuTime > System Admin > UI Environment Flags > Admin > Employee Mapping Table)

  • ExecuTime Field Name for login needs Update for Rehires to be set to Yes (When an employee is marked inactive, their login ID changes so this needs to be reset)

  • ExecuTime Field Name for AllowedToChangePassword needs Update for Rehires to be set to No (This is to keep the setting from when the employee left the organization)

  • ExecuTime Field Name for lastName needs Update for Rehires to be set to Yes

  • Verify any item marked as Yes in the Update this field column is also set to Yes in the Update for Rehires column

Additional Information