Entering negative deduction in a payroll

Entering negative deduction in a payroll

Description of Issue

I need to correct a deduction taken by mistake.  Can I enter a negative in the next payroll?

  • Munis

  • Payroll Processing

  • Employee Deductions


Site added incorrect deduction code in Employee Deductions and processed that through the payroll


Can make the correct in the next payroll:

  1. Access Earnings and Deductions (Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status). Search for the warrant.  Click Change

  2. Click on Earnings and DeductionsSearch for the employee. Click Withholding tab.

  3. Double click on the deduction line.  Click Update.

  4. TAB down and enter negative Deduction Gross amount, negative Employee Amount, and/or negative Employer Amount

  5. Click Accept

Additional Information