Accrual type pay code is not subtracting from base pay hours in payroll

Description of Issue

When adding a Holiday pay code into Earnings and Deductions, the hours are not taking from the base pay hours like the Sick and Vacation do. 

  • Munis
  • Pay Master
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Earnings and Deductions

The Subtract from Base checkbox was not checked on the Holiday pay code in Pay Master

  1. Go to Pay Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master)
  2. Search for the pay code. Click Accept. 
  3. Click Update. Check the checkbox next to Subtract from Base. Click Accept. 
  4. Go back into Earnings and Deductions (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. Click Earnings and Deductions)
  5. Search for the employee. Click the Pay tab. 
  6. Double click the Holiday pay line. Click Delete in the toolbar. Say Yes to the prompt to confirm the delete.
  7. Click Add. Add the pay code back in. 
    1. It should now be subtracting the hours from the base pay code.
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