Time Entry Find Pending error - Unable to locate pay code for accrual type - Pay Start Date in Employee Job/Salary

Description of Issue

When in Time Entry using Find Pending, I receive an error on some employees regarding accruals.

Emp X unable to locate pay code for accrual type A

  • Munis
  • Time Entry
  • ESS
  • Employee Accrual Requests
  • Employee Job/Salary 
  • Pay Master 

The Accrual pay code in Employee Job/Salary has a Pay Start Date after the Pending Accrual Request dates.


Determine if the employee should be allowed to take the accrual time. If not, delete the record from Employee Pending Accrual Requests. 

If they should be able to take the time and they have the Pay Code attached in Employee Job/Salary that subtracts from the accrual Type:

  1. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)
  2. Search for the employee and Accrual Type Pay code. Click Accept.  
  3. If the Pay Start Date is after the Accrual Request dates, this will cause the error.
    1. To update the Pay Start Date, click Update. Define the Pay Start Date to prior to the requested time off. Click Accept. 
  4. The next time Find Pending in Time Entry is used, the pending request will load into the batch. 
Additional Information

Some sites use the Accrual Pay Code in Employee Job/Salary as a probationary period to prevent requested and inadvertently approved time from pulling into payroll.

Example, the employee starts 1/1/2021 so their Effective Date is 1/1/2021, but they have a six month probation period before they can request Vacation through ESS. The Pay Start Date is defined with 7/1/2021. This will not prevent the employee from requesting time in ESS, however if it gets approved and is showing in Pending Accruals, when Find Pending is used in Time Entry the error will display and the time will not be pulled into the batch.Â