Total Federal Tax Gross in payroll does not match Total Gross minus excluded pays and deductions

Description of Issue

On the Earnings and Deductions Proof, the total Gross for Federal taxes does not equal the Total payroll gross minus the pays and deductions excluded from Federal Tax. 

  • Munis
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Earnings and Deductions
  • Earnings and Deductions Proof
  • Deduction and Benefit Master
  • Payroll Exceptions

Two employees in the payroll had 0.00 Gross amount but a Deduction Gross for the Federal Deduction was manually added in. 


To find the differences:

  1. Note the total Federal Gross on the Earnings and Deductions Final or Detail proof. (Example, 1,633,114.29)
  2. Note the total Employee Gross pay on the Proof also. (Example, 1,973,069.84)
  3. Go into Deduction and Benefit Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Deduction and Benefit Master)
  4. Search for deduction 3000. Click Accept. Click Exceptions in the toolbar.
  5. Note any excluded pays and deductions. 
  6. Looking at the Earnings and Deductions Proof, add up the total for the pays and employee withholding deduction amounts that are excluded from Federal tax. (Example, 342,635.75)
  7. Subtract the total excluded amount from the Total Gross amount (1,973,069.84-342,635.75=1,630,434.09)
  8. Subtract the Total Federal Gross from the amount that was calculated (1,633,114.29-1,630,434.09=2,680.20)
    1. The Federal Gross total is 2,680.20 higher.
  9. Go into Earnings and Deductions in the Payroll (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. Search for warrant. Click Accept. Click Change. Click Earnings and Deductions)
  10. Click Global in the toolbar. Click Global Access to Deduction Records. 
  11. Search for deduction 3000 and >0 in the Changed Field. 
    1. Change Codes in Earnings and Deductions in Payroll
  12. Note any employees with 0.00 Gross but have a Deduction Gross amount defined. 
    1. Example, two employees showing a change code of 256 with no gross but deduction gross amounts were manually added in totaling the 2,680.20 difference.
Additional Information