Refresh option in a Salary and Benefit Projection

Description of Issue

Bring new Job Class code into a salary projection

  • Munis
  • Payroll
  • Projection Start and Status
Site needs to add the new records into the Projection or use the Refresh option.

There are 2 options when Refresh:

  1. On the Projection Start and Status screen, select Refresh. Select Master Tables. Click OK. 
    1. This option will refresh the master tables from live, such as Deduction and Benefit Master, Pay Master, Job Class Master, Longevity Codes, Allocation Codes, and Salary Tables programs.
  2. On the Projection Start and Status screen, select Refresh. Select Employee Tables. Click OK. 
    1. This option will refresh the employee tables from live, such as Employee Master, Employee Job/Salary, Employee Deductions, and Position Control programs.
Additional Information

The Help screen for the Refresh option shows the Master Tables update Position Control, which is incorrect. See Refresh option for Master Tables in Salary and Benefit Projections does not update Position Control. 

If you Refresh Employee Tables, if you have already made changes in Job Salary such as pay increases, those increases will no longer be there. They are removed or wiped out.Â