NH ERS - Earnable Salary is 0 for Hourly Employees

Description of Issue

Hourly employees are not pulling Earnable Salary

  • Payroll
  • New Hampshire
  • NH ERS Report

Earnable Salary comes from the Annual Pay field on the base pay record in Employee Job/Salary for any Job Class code found in earnings history for the reporting period.

Hourly employees affected have a Calc Code 01 on base pay, which doesn't calculate an Annual Pay amount, or allow you to manually key one.


Recommended using the Export/Import functionality in the NH ERS Period Record screen to manually calculate an Earnable Salary amount for these employees. 

  1. From the NH ERS Period Record screen, select Search
  2. Enter the Pay Period ID and/or Pay Date to bring back all records for the current reporting period
  3. Select Accept
  4. Select Export Data to export the data to Excel
  5. In Excel, Sort by Earnable Salary 
  6. When Earnable Salary = $0, enter an Excel Formula to calculate Base Salary * 26
  7. Highlight all fields with the Formula
  8. Select Copy
  9. Select Paste Values
  10. Select Save
  11. Return to NH ERS Period Record screen
  12. Select Import Data
  13. Select Define
  14. Select the file you saved in Step 10
  15. Select Accept
  16. Select Import to bring the new Earnable Salary amounts into the Period Record
  17. Create the submission file
Additional Information