How to Display Accruals on Paychecks and Advices

How to Display Accruals on Paychecks and Advices

Description of Issue

Accruals do not display on any checks or advices that are printed from a miscellaneous payroll.

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll
  • Payroll Processing
  • Payroll Control Settings
  • Print Payroll Advices
  • Print Payroll Checks
  • Run Control
  • Accrual Format

Accrual format defined for the miscellaneous run type was None.


Accrual display for payroll advice and check printing is set up in the Run Control settings.

  1. Go to Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Payroll Control Settings. 
  2. Click Accept. Click Run Control in the ribbon.
    1. Once the screen loads you will see one record for each payroll run type at the bottom. For example, Run Type 1 - Biweekly, Run Type V - Void, Run Type 9 - Miscellaneous etc.
    2. The Accrual Format field is specific to each run type record. In order for accruals to be displayed on a Check/Advice created from any given run type, a value of Standard or Detail will need to be defined in the Accrual Format field.
  3. Click Update in the ribbon and select desired value, then click the Yellow Folder. 
  4. Each accrual type will need to be listed to display on the paycheck/advice. Click Update and TAB into the box to create a new row and select the desired accrual type for each row.
  5. Click Accept to save the changes.
    1. If get prompt to Update Mail Sort Default, can select No.
Additional Information

The Accrual Format option may be updated before or after starting the payroll