Cannot view specific checks in Check Reconciliation Report

Description of Issue

Cannot view specific checks in Check Reconciliation Report

  • Munis 
  • Accounts Payable 
  • Check Reconciliation 

Limited permissions to View others' AP docs during inquiry 


System Administration > Security > User Attributes 

  1. Search for the User Id
  2. Select the role which grants permission to Accounts Payable  
  3. Select Edit Role option at the bottom of the screen 
  4. Select Accounts Payable folder 
  5. Select Update 
  6. Select Data Access  
  7. Select the yellow folder next to the permission View others' AP docs during inquiry 
  8. Add the Department that is on the Invoice tied to the Check
Additional Information

Only add the department if the user is limited by department for the permission View others' AP docs during inquiryÂ