String or binary data would be truncated error when posting a GCR journal

Description of Issue

Error is received when posting a GCR journal:

Program stopped at 'glcjeent_prints4gl', line number 2091.
SQL statement error number - 6372 ( 8152).
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client - String or binary data would be truncated

  • General Journal Entry/Proof
  • Accounting Entries
  • GCR Journals
  • Truncated

Error occurs when GCR journal has a REF3 with 12 characters and DTDF lines are generated 

  • Work ticket MUN-387705 is open with development to address the error
  • Temporary work around would be to limit Reference 3 field to 12 or fewer characters
Additional Information

Issue occurs after loading MUN-423686 (prior to that work ticket the error only occurred for journals with 16 characters in Reference 3)

  • No error if DTDF lines do not exist
  • No error if 12 or less characters in REF3
  • Users can post in Accounting Entries without error but the Ref3 on the journal only keeps the first 12 characters