Missing AR Deposits in Bank Reconciliation Manager - Uncleared Deposit Number saved in Exclusions

Description of Issue
  • Can't find CRP journal transactions in Bank Reconciliation Manager
  • New deposits are not displaying in BRM all of a sudden
  • Site reuses Deposit numbers. 
  • The reused Deposit Number is saved in Exclusions
  • Bank Reconciliation Manager
  • AR Deposits

If a Deposit number is reused, uncleared receipts will be consolidated on the AR views and cannot be viewed in Bank Reconciliation Manager. If an uncleared CRP deposit is excluded from BRM and the Deposit Number is reused, new receipts with the Deposit Number will also be excluded. 

  • MUN-414603 is open with Development to prevent receipts from consolidating under an excluded Deposit Number. 
  • Please reach out to General Ledger Support for assistance.
  • Development has released a utility to allow the consolidated deposits to be split and/or cleared for reconciliation.
  • Site will need to refresh a non live Munis environment to review utility results.
  • Once the excluded deposit is set with a clear date, the deposit number can be reused. 
Additional Information

The original uncleared deposit will keep the same Deposit number (Ex. DEPOSITA). Any Deposits split from DEPOSITA will have the receipt Effective Date appended to look like this: DESPOSITA-YYYYMMDD

If first report coincides with upgrade from 11.3 to a higher version, see: Missing AR Deposits in Bank Reconciliation Manager - Upgrade from 11.3